Counter Tracking is an alternative to tracking with action. Instead of following the direction an artist takes, you track against them to create a more dynamic and forceful image.
When staging a running scene, many directors set up a tracking shot to follow the artists trajectory. That's a legitimate choice, but there is another option that allows you to ramp up the speed and add more tension to the shot. It's called counter tracking and it works like this; you set up your track parallel to the artists line of action. However, instead of following the artists trajectory with the dolly, you start at the other end of the track and run against them.
This creates two dynamic effects:
1. Acceleration: the speed of the artist plus the speed of the dolly Doubles the overall velocity of the action. This makes the running scene feel more urgent and forceful.
2. Tension: the opposing directions create a sense of visual friction. This elicits a feeling of conflict and discordance in the scene.
Counter tracking works well in chase scenes or when a character is racing against the clock. It doesn't work so well when the character is just going for a jog or involved in a practical activity.
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